Consultation: 0 CZK / 250 CZK
Registration: 0 CZK / 400 CZK
OPG: 0 CZK / 350 CZK
Intraoral RVG: 0 CZK / 150 CZK
Emergency treatment: 1500 CZK
(anesthesia + Depulpin + Cavit)
1 root canal: 1000 CZK
2 root canals: 1800 CZK
3 or more root canals: 2300 CZK
Root treatment with laser: 200 CZK
Extraction: 0 CZK/ 1200 CZK
Complicated extraction: 0 CZK / 1800 CZK
Alveogil (Gelaspone): 700 CZK
Tissue surgery: 0 CZK / 500 – 1500 CZK
Tissue surgery with laser: from 800 CZK
Dental hygiene: 0 CZK / 900 CZK
Air-Flow: 800 CZK
Ultrasonic and Air-Flow: 800 CZK / 1200 CZK
Teeth Whitenning: 6000 CZK
Implant with a crown: 25000 CZK
Composite filler (1 area): 650 CZK
Composite filler (2 areas): 900 CZK
Composite filler (3 areas): 1400 CZK
Reconstruction of front tooth: 1600 CZK
Metalo-ceramic crown: 4300 CZK / 5000 CZK
Ceramic crown: 6000 CZK / 7000 CZK
Ceramic faset: 4000 CZK / 4500 CZK
Ceramic inlay/onlay: 4700 Kč / 5500 CZK
Sport protector for teeth (up to 6 teeth): 7000 CZK
Total teeth prosthesis: 7000 CZK
Imediatly prosthesis: 7000 CZK
Root completion: 1500 CZK
Temporary crown: 800 CZK
Temporary bridge: 3500 CZK